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Home / Blog / What's New With U? Week 2

Summer Newsletter | Jul 18, 2024

What's New With U? Week 2

What's New With U? Week 2

Dear Friends,

That's a wrap on Week 2 and what a week it has been! Our students have been busy rehearsing, learning new skills, perfecting their craft, and taking their imaginations to new heights, all in the wonders of nature. Next week student performances begin, and we cannot wait to welcome many of you to campus to see our impressive young artists on stage. Scroll on to read and see what happened at Usdan this week.

Have a wonderful weekend and see U next week!

Entering and Centering with Gratitude

What are you grateful for this season at Usdan?

One of our four themes this summer is GRATITUDE. As Week 2 came to a close, we caught up with some students at Festival about what they were grateful for this Usdan season. Here's what some had to say:


"All my friends and all the memories we make together at Usdan." -Finnie P.

"The art area!" -Remy W.

"The appreciative staff." -Charlotte T.

"The musical theater department." -Harry N.

"All of my teachers and the performances we get to see everyday." -Ashley G.

"Nature, my friends, and ice cream!" -Zoe N.

Festival Week 2 Recap

Puppetry, World Music, and a Whole Lot More!

Grand Pistachio performed an excerpt from their work "Layer the Walls" at Festival on Tuesday, July 9.

Week 2 of Festival started off (literally) on a high note with a short concert by Junior Vocal Ensemble Lead Teacher Lindsay Spangenthal, accompanied by Senior Piano Major Teacher Andrew Ranaudo. Lindsay took the students through the evolution of musical theater from operetta through modern day musical theater, displaying her vocal prowess in songs like "A Cockeyed Optimist" from "South Pacific" and "What Baking Can Do" from "Waitress." Watch the recording here.

On Tuesday, our partnership with New Victory LabWorks powered by the performing arts nonprofit New 42 officially kicked off with a performance by Grand Pistachio. The puppet theater company shared an excerpt from "Layer the Walls," an original work that tells the stories of different families who lived in the same tenement apartment in NYC’s Lower East Side across many generations. Watch the recording here.

We jazzed things up Wednesday with the swinging Sam Dillon Quartet, and Usdan student favorite IMGE Dance returned on Thursday to share their incredible work rooted in Indian classical, Hip-Hop, and contemporary dance. Watch the recording of Sam Dillon Quartet here and IMGE Dance here

Students dancing during Brown Rice Family Band's performance.

Brown Rice Family Band closed out our Festival week in epic style with their incredible reggae, afro-beat, funk-influenced music. Students and staff were found hitting the dance floor (aka the McKinley Amphitheater pit), and a conga line even got started during Senior Festival. Check it out.

Next Week at Festival...

Usdan Student Artists Take the Stage

Usdan Festival features professional artists, both guest and staff, and student artists. Next week we pivot to showcasing our student artists.

Scroll down to see what classes are performing. If your student is performing, please be sure to check your email for performance reminders. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at



Our Photographer, Terryl Whitaker, and our Marketing Assistant, Sarah Gordon-Macey, got some great shots of our students this week. Check out some highlights below. For more photos and videos, follow us on Instagram and TikTok.

Sculpture students create their own puppet during a workshop with the performers and puppeteers from Grand Pistachio.

What's the next move?

Junior Sculpture Major students bring their paper mache figures to life.

Will he score? (We believe it!)

Senior Band are in full rehearsal mode as they get ready for their Festival performance next week!

Rainbow Theme Day — they understood the assignment.

Usdan Dance students circle up with IMGE Dance company members during a special master class.

Cooling off in the pool.

It's only Week 2, and already Senior Music Theater Major students are hitting their notes and marks for their production of "Anastasia."


Attend the U Benefit

Wednesday, July 24
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Join us during the regular camp day to engage with the art and beauty of the Usdan campus. 

Live performances | Student showcases | Raffles | Community art project and more! 

Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy, just like our students. Meals will not be provided as we prioritize limiting food waste. 

Thanks to our generous sponsors, this event is free. Registration is required. For the July 24 event, please RSVP by Friday, July 19.

Donations are deeply appreciated, but not required. 

For more details, visit

A Visit to the Creative Writing Studio

The Art of the Written Word

It can be difficult to find but once you do, you know you have found a really special place.

Writing Studio 1 (or W1) is tucked away in the woods at Usdan. There, young writers put pen to notebook and create their art not through sound or color or song but through the written word.

The Usdan Media Team stopped by W1 on Thursday, July 11 in anticipation of the reading by Creative Writing Minor students at Festival on Monday. Similar to how Vocal and Orchestra students warm up with scales or Theater students recite tongue twisters, Creative Writing students "warm up" with a prompt. That day, the students' warm-up was, "Imagine that your shadow has its own personality, thoughts, opinions, and feelings. Describe your shadow — what does it look like?"


Volunteer at Usdan

We can't do it without you!

We are looking for volunteers to help guide visitors this coming week, July 15–19, and during Week 4, July 22–26. 

Help create memorable experiences for the next generation of artists!


Announcing a New Program

New students can try out Usdan for one week!

We are excited to launch an introductory program for prospective students who have just finished grades 4 through 6.

Over the course of five days, TryU campers will experience what makes Usdan special — accessible, acclaimed arts programs, a magical 140-wooded acre campus, and an environment to truly be themselves.

Each day, students will take three periods of arts instruction and swimming. Classes could include Vocal Music, Painting, Theater Games, and Creative Writing.

Plus, every day includes a live performance in Usdan’s McKinley Amphitheater and a delicious end-of-day ice cream treat!


Week 3 Theme: Connection

Next week, it is all about our third theme of the summer, CONNECTION.

Do you have a Usdan student at home? If so, this weekend, we invite you to encourage them to start thinking about how they can connect more meaningfully with nature, their art, and their fellow students. Here are some ideas for them to do next week: 

  • When on campus, count how many different types of flowers you see. Which one is your favorite?
  • Try out a new technique and make a bold choice when creating your art and see how it makes you feel!
  • Ask a fellow young artist in one of your classes about a piece they are working on or what inspires them to make art.



Calendar Highlights: Week 3

Here is what's coming up next week!

Families of students are welcome to attend Festival performances and join us after for a backstage lunch. Festival performances will also be livestreamed, as well as recorded and posted, to our YouTube Channel.


Monday, July 15

First Day: Week 3 Recreation

Festival | Creative Writing




Tuesday, July 16

Festival | Senior Jazz Major & Minor



5-Year Lunch for 4A Students

12:10pm (Senior)

12:35pm (Junior)

Earlier this week, families of students celebrating five or more years at Usdan should have received an email with more details about lunch and a request to RSVP. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at


Wednesday, July 17

Camp Kindness Day

Theater Show | "Anything Goes"

10:30 a.m. (Senior Cast)

1:30 p.m. (Junior Cast)

Festival | Senior Orchestra




Thursday, July 18

Festival | Senior Band



Theater Show | "Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon"

1:30 p.m.


Friday, July 19

Spirit Day: Dream Job Day

Theater Show | "Once Upon a Mattress"

10:30 a.m. (Senior Cast)

1:30 p.m. (Junior Cast)

In-Studio Performance | The Actor Sings

10:30 a.m. (1st Period Class)

In-Studio Performance | The Actor Sings

11:30 a.m. (2nd Period Class)

Festival | Dance



In-Studio Performance | The Actor Sings

1:30 p.m. (3rd Period Class)

In-Studio Performance | The Actor Sings

2:30 a.m. (4th Period Class)



Hip-Hop Pool Party
Saturday, August 3
12:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Usdan Artists in Residence DJ Kool Herc and Cindy Campbell are throwing a pool party — and everyone is invited! 

All afternoon, DJs will spin tunes as you beat the heat in the most excellent of ways — in Usdan's swimming pools. Plus, there will be Usdan student performances, intro classes for adults including Hip-Hop Dance, and special activities and games for kids!

Enrolled Usdan students and kids ages 0–15 get in for FREE. Don't miss out!