Inspiring U | Dec 4, 2024
What's New With U? December 2024

Dear Friends,
'Tis the celebrate U!
As the curtain falls on 2024, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for all the memories we made together this year.
Whether you are a student, parent, alumni, supporter, or just a fan, thank you for sharing your time, energy, and undeniably creative spirits with us. At Usdan, we value joy above all else and thanks to you, we live joyfully each day.
Now, it may be cooling down outside, but Usdan students are red hot! They're on Broadway, they're starring in theater productions around New York, they're landing roles in YouTube series, and the list goes on.
Read on to learn about the creative achievements of Usdan students and find even more reasons to celebrate this season, including our recent grant awards (we won...twice!), our new Summer 2025 classes, and a recent gathering of some very special Usdan alumni. Plus, with 2025 around the corner now is the time to make your end-of-year gift to Usdan, and why not #MakeItMonthly?
Happy reading and stay warm out there!
Why I Give: Beth Posner, Usdan Alum
Beth Posner all smiles and full of artistry, age 12.
Meet alum and monthly supporter Beth Posner, who attended Usdan from elementary school straight on through high school. Beth majored in Guitar and minored in Creative Writing, and over her years at Usdan she was able to try a little of everything—Jewelry Making, Theater, Ballet. She even worked at Usdan as a general office assistant after high school.
"I so appreciate all the time I spent at Usdan," says Beth. "Making friends, making music or writing, and learning about myself." She credits the people she met at Usdan "the talented and ambitious kids", from other towns and across metropolitan New York, for opening her world.
A photo of the Usdan woods taken by Beth during her time at camp.
She became a monthly donor this year after the passing of her husband and found giving back to a place full of positive, powerful memories has helped her to heal.
"I want as many children as possible to have those same opportunities and experiences," says Beth. "Getting the monthly receipt for my contribution reminds me that I’m supporting something good in the world."
In Beth’s Words
How many years did you attend Usdan and what was your major?
I attended Usdan for six or seven years—from elementary school into high school…literally growing up there! Mostly, I majored in Guitar and minored in Creative Writing. But having gone over so many years, I was able to try many different classes—in Dance and Art (Ballet and Jewelry Making) as well. I also remember lunching in the Theater Department area with friends, thus spending time all over the camp at one time or another. And there were even a few years when I minored in Recreation, not because I was sporty, but because it meant more time with friends!
What are some of your fondest memories of Usdan?
The people I met at Usdan—both the students and the teachers—were so talented and creative, so smart and interesting. Connecting with both older and younger kids from other towns and across metropolitan New York opened my world. Being at the campus was so beautiful and calming. The artists who performed at Assembly were inspiring. And my fondest memories are of my friends…just laughing or making music, talking about philosophy or literature in the latter years, and playing cards or jacks in my first years there!
A quote from my diary at 13 years old: “I love everyone at camp so much. They’re all so nice and funny and cute. I wish camp would last all year. It’s fantastic.”
Looking back, how do you think your experience at Usdan shaped you into the person you are today?
Being surrounded by talented and ambitious kids made me want to achieve more for myself…while being surrounded by nature helped me to slow down and appreciate every day.
You also worked at Usdan as a staff member. What did you do and how long did you work at Usdan? What did you enjoy about your role?
I worked in the main office as a general office assistant after high school and my first year of college. During the year, there was an office in NYC…then we moved to the camp for the summer. I reached out for a job there because I wanted to work somewhere with a mission I believed in. I also knew that helping to make the camp run smoothly for everyone would feel valuable. And it was fun to be in that beautiful place and meet campers and teachers.
What inspires you to give to Usdan?
I so appreciate all the time I spent at Usdan…making friends, making music or writing, and learning about myself. And I want as many children as possible to have those same opportunities and experiences.
Why do you believe it is so important to be a monthly giver to Usdan?
I actually first became a monthly contributor after my husband passed away…because I wish he could have had the same experiences as a child, and it felt healing to do something positive. When you look at your emails, there’s so much bad news demanding attention. But getting the monthly receipt for my contribution reminds me that I’m supporting something good in the world.
What would you say to someone considering becoming a monthly donor?
Usdan inspired and taught me so much. And I have such positive and powerful memories of summers there. So, if you do, as well, then I promise you that supporting it for current and future generations of children will feel positive and powerful too.
Make It Monthly: $25 for 2025
Join Beth and an incredible community of changemakers helping shape the lives of the next generation of artists, one month at a time. Monthly support of just $25 provides young artists of all disciplines with the tools to dream bigger, create with confidence, and thrive as individuals in an inclusive environment where creativity knows no bounds.
Be one of the first 100 people to sign up for $25 a month and your contribution will be matched, dollar for dollar, for the next 12 months thanks to generous Usdan supporters Jeffrey Schoenfeld and Suzanne and Bob Nederlander, Jr. It’s the easiest way to maximize your support and turn $25 a month into an annual gift of $600.
Monthly giving allows us to sustain our top-rated programming, continue to award need- and merit-based scholarships, and maintain 140 acres of natural beauty that make the Usdan campus a magical place for all who visit.
Let’s #MakeItMonthly. Just choose the "Monthly" option at the link below.
Is $25 not the right amount for you? A monthly gift of any size is a powerful way to make a difference!
Not ready to make it monthly? A one-time, year-end gift can help us wrap up 2024 in an impactful way and set us up for success in 2025.
Summer 2025: Priority Enrollment Ends December 16
Don’t Let the Savings Pass You By!
Time is running out to save on tuition for Usdan’s Classic Program for Summer 2025! Enroll by December 16 to save up to $150 on tuition.
Usdan Wins Two Competitive Grants
As a nonprofit, Usdan receives generous financial support through institutional grants. Recently, Usdan was awarded two major grants. The first was from the Nonprofit Security Grant Program funded by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), a highly competitive grant that funds security enhancements for nonprofit organizations. This six-figure grant will allow Usdan to remain a safe place for all who visit and fund enhancements to existing infrastructure.
Usdan is also thrilled to receive a two-year $49,500 grant from New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)—the maximum award amount an individual organization is eligible to receive within this grant opportunity. Usdan was one of 1,497 nonprofits to receive funding across the entire state. This award will go towards general operating expenses, helping to further Usdan’s mission of inviting people of all ages to experience the natural beauty of our campus and the transformative power of the arts.
Make these grants go even further and make your end-of-year gift today! As a nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of not only government funders but also individuals like you!
They're coming... Music Merit Scholarship Applications Are Fast Approaching!
Music students in grades 2–12 are invited to audition for a 10–95% scholarship to attend Usdan next summer as Music Majors in Concert Band, Orchestra, Junior or Senior Vocal Ensemble, or Jazz Ensemble.
Sign up here and we'll keep you informed of the Summer 2025 application launch date.
Summer 2025: New Classes Spotlight
In November, we announced 15 new classes for Summer 2025 bringing our class offerings up to 31 different Majors and 33 different Minors across nine departments: Art, Creative Writing, Dance, Music, Theater, Chess, Nature & Sustainability, Recreation, and Interdisciplinary. This month, we’re pleased to spotlight two of our new Minor classes.
Composition: Musical Theater
4-Week Session B | Minor: Grades 4–12
If you have a young musical theater enthusiast in your house, they have probably been singing “Defying Gravity” nonstop since Thanksgiving. Or perhaps they’re still blasting “My Shot” from Hamilton or “Keep Marching” from Suffs. Whatever it may be, there’s no better time than this summer to set their sights on how they could write the next great American musical… at Usdan.
Portfolio Development
4–Week Session A & B | Minor: Grades 7–12
Is there a committed visual artist in your life looking to prepare their portfolio for selective programs or colleges? If so, this is the perfect class for them! Every day, students will receive personalized feedback from an experienced arts educator and practicing artist as they build their own artistic voices and style.
Usdan Student Michael Deaner Returns to Broadway in Elf
One of the most amazing characteristics of Usdan students is that they aren’t just one kind of artist. They are guitar players and ballet dancers, fashion designers and singers, playwrights and poets—they are artists of all disciplines. Usdan music student, Michael Deaner, who spent his first summer at Usdan in 2024, is no exception.
As a resident of Dix Hills, Michael spent four weeks at Usdan studying trumpet and voice (and many intense hours playing gaga ball), but a year earlier in 2023, Michael was starring as Young Leo in Tom Stoppard’s Tony Award-winning Leopolstadt on Broadway. Now Michael is back on the Great White Way in the holiday favorite Elf.
Michael caught up with Usdan’s media team right before the Thanksgiving holiday to discuss his return to Broadway.
P.S. We have another member of the Usdan community in Elf! Usdan alum Mat Eisenstein is playing Keyboard 1—for the third time (2010, 2012, 2024). Congrats, Mat!
Michael practicing the trumpet at Usdan this past summer.
In Michael's Words
How many summers have you been attending Usdan Summer Camp for the Arts?
Summer 2024 was my first summer at Usdan and I am returning in the summer of 2025.
What do you enjoy most about Usdan? What makes Usdan such a “magical” place?
The thing I enjoy about Usdan the most is the support I got from the teachers. They took their time to coach me individually, in the trumpet section, and within the whole band.
You made your Broadway debut in Leopoldstadt as Young Leo in October 2022 and now you’re in your second Broadway show as Little Boy in Elf. What advice would you give aspiring actors your age who are looking to make their Broadway debuts?
To get on Broadway, you can't give up. My advice is go into the audition prepared. You need to know your lines and songs but also the context of the show. Listening and being able to take notes from the director is really important. You go on a lot of auditions before you book. There are so many things beyond talent that go into casting that you have no control over. You just have to leave it in the room and move onto the next. The perfect opportunity will find you.
At Usdan this past summer, you didn’t major in Theater but you majored in Music. It is so impressive that you are multi-talented artist! What do you enjoy about playing music?
What I like about playing the trumpet is playing in a group. Each instrument has their own part which doesn't sound like much individually, but that all changes when you put all the parts together.
What do you enjoy about acting?
My favorite part about acting is being a part of the theater community. Everyone is so supportive of each other in rehearsal and on stage. After the show closes, we still show up to support each other in new projects.
What’s your favorite song in Elf and why?
My favorite song in Elf is "There is a Santa Claus" because that is the turning point in the show when Michael and his mom realize that Buddy is telling the truth.
You were known at Usdan for being very competitive in the gaga pit. Care to share any pointers?
My gaga pointers are: don't be afraid to get dirty. Play defense in the beginning, then when there are fewer people left, go on the attack. Most of all, have fun.
You are already enrolled in Usdan for Summer 2025. What are you most looking forward to?
This summer at Usdan, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again and getting back in the gaga pit!
Usdan Heads to the NYSSMA Winter Conference
New York State School Music Associations (NYSSMA) annual winter conference is this weekend and representatives from Usdan will be in attendance! In addition, many of Usdan’s faculty, staff, and alumni will be participating in the conference including Karla Aristy, Usdan Alum; Dennis Creighton, Music Faculty Member; Carl Ferrara, Theater Faculty Member; Sadie Friedman, Discovery Program Chair; Matt Mantione, Usdan Staff Member & Alum; and Nicole Rode, Usdan Alum.
Are you headed to NYSSMA?
Let us know and join us for Cocktails & Conversation on Saturday, December 7 at 5:00 p.m. RSVP today!
A Round of U-pplause for Usdan Theater Students
Join us in sharing a hearty congratulations to Usdan theater students who recently mounted and starred in productions at their high schools.
Farmingdale High School | The Hunchback of Notre Dame
William Herbert
North Shore High School | The Skin of Our Teeth
Valentina Atlas, Mae Curiale, Josef Hunter, Mia Pinto, Cecilia Reilly, and Polina Semenko
Oceanside High School | The Outsiders
Annie Carter and Emma Lopez
South Side High School | Pride and Prejudice
Gabriella Amato, Jessie Banilower, Brendan Duffy, and Connor Reilly
Do you know of a Usdan student working on or starring in an upcoming theater production? Submit a tip to so we can feature them in an upcoming newsletter!
Creative Career Connections: They Booked It!
Center: Violet Cilen in this past summer's production of Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon.
Bravo to these young Usdan thespians who recently landed roles in local theater productions and TV shows!
Violet Cilen is the voice of JJ in the new YouTube series "CoComelon Classroom."
Ava Lucchese will star as "Peter" in Peter Pan Jr. at the Helen Fortunoff Theater, Hofstra University on January 26.
Sydney Wang will star in the lead role of Moana at Actor’s Garage in January.
Do you know of a Usdan student working on or starring in an upcoming production, TV show, or movie? Submit a tip to so we can feature them in an upcoming newsletter!
Usdan Out & About Town
From left to right: Usdan Executive Director Lauren Brandt Schloss and Usdan alum Meryl Cooper at The Shed's Luna Luna show. The prestigious position of Executive Director of The Shed is held by Usdan alum Max Hodges.
From left to right: Usdan Art Faculty members Garrett Weinstein and Amie Laino-Vine at Otsego Elementary earlier in November. Garrett and Amie were guest judges for the school's Reflections Art Competition.
From left to right: Lauren Brandt Schloss and Manager of Special Projects Lauren Kinane at the Nassau Music Educators Association’s annual Administrator’s Night.
From the Studio
Check out what two Usdan Visual Art students have been working on!
Digital art by Susan K., age 15
Pencil & colored pencil drawing by Anastasia B., age 8
Have some artwork you’d like to share with the Usdan Community? Send it to us at
Raising a Glass: Usdan’s Alumni “Engagement” Party Recap
From left to right: Usdan alumni Jimmy Brewer, Kyra Leeds, and Matt Mantione share a laugh.
On November 14, over 40 Usdan alumni from across the great New York region gathered for a special Alumni “Engagement” Party at Copperhill restaurant. Over drinks and bites, alumni who attended Usdan as recently as 2016 mixed and mingled with alumni who attended back in the 70s. Memories came flooding back as guests perused photo albums, theater programs, maps, and more from Usdan’s rich archives on display for the occasion. Like any truly fun “Engagement” Party, the evening ended with a game, inviting alumni to share their favorite memories and moments from their summers at Usdan.
Thank you to all of those who showed up for our first of what we hope are many alumni events!
Are you an alum? Are you looking to go to the next step in your relationship with Usdan? Just say yes and email to learn how you can become more involved through volunteering, giving opportunities, and more!
From Our Friends: Brooklyn Youth Chorus Auditions
BYC offers world-class voice training for young people, ages 5-18, with an emphasis on healthy vocal development, music literacy, and group performance.
BYC are holding placement auditions for students ages 7-18 to help ensure singers are placed in the program level that's best for them. Levels are organized first by age and then by experience and ability. Current and former Usdan students have participated in BYC—now's your chance to join them! No prior experience is required to sing with Brooklyn Youth Chorus, but a love of singing is essential.
Upcoming Placement Audition
Tuesday, December 17
3:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
For younger singers ages 5-6, BYC offers a pre-preparatory music class without a placement audition. Learn more about their pre-preparatory classes.

Sunday, December 8, 2024
December Campus Tour—SOLD OUT
Friday, December 13, 2024
December Tuition Assistance Deadline
Monday, December 16, 2024
Classic Program Priority Pricing Ends
Tuesday–Wednesday, December 24, 2024–January 1, 2025
Usdan Administrative Offices Closed
Sunday, January 12, 2025
January Campus Tour